According to our patented JawamaticTM technology, you are most like Yoda in personality. A traditionalist at heart, Yoda has honed his intuition through hundreds of years of meditation and study. But don't let that fool you -- he believes the old ways are the best ways. To him, the known is preferable to the unknown. Yoda is, in a word, reliable.
Most of you probably don’t know Yoda , at first glance you’re probably thinking that he’s green, small with big pointy ears and looks like he’s stoned…. Which he is (not sure about the stoned part though), but you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover (you should see him when he dishes out some punishment with his lightsaber especially in Episode 3). Anyways, enough about the force and other sci-fi matters and back to my beloved Egypt. One thing which I have just realized, which I’ve always done subconsciously, is that when there is water in the street everyone slows down. This is probably one of the few times that I have noticed that people here will slow down for, I mean they don’t even do that for people crossing the roads!! Some people will probably say that they do this as not to dirty the cars behind or besides them. I think that is quite a stupid excuse, how long does a car stay clean for in Egypt even when it’s parked never mind moving?? If it does something to the car engine or something like that (I haven’t the faintest idea about car mechanics other than what petrol to put in the car and where I can fill the car with water) then I’d say to the driver in front of me, “Eshta 3leek ya bob” which is literally translated as “cream on you Bob” and means “cheers gaffer” or “thank you mister”. These situations where drivers are terrified to go past 20Kph in water sort of reminds me of Super Man. You know, guy with the blue costume, red cape and the tiny-nearly-invisible ‘S’ on his chest? Yeah, well he’s super strong and all with a load of nifty super powers, he kind of reminds me of Egyptian drivers, the only difference is that Super Man does have them while Egyptian drivers think they do and in fact don’t. Anyway, Super Man’s only weakness is Kryptonite (here’s a huge article on all the different types of it, personally I don’t know all of them and I don’t intend to read this), so perhaps if we start watering our streets on a daily basis people will start to drive a little more decently. Just like to give a shout out to the Menna, who was recently in the El-Gomhureya newspaper for her blog "Guide to Cairo" and for putting my blog on her links on her page :D!! , go check it out if you’d like to read some positive stuff about Egypt. Also, In case you read this Nancy, I haven’t forgotten about your ticket that you got while in the university parking, so hopefully I will get around to writing about that soon. Last but not least: Live Long & Prosper |