Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Without A Song

One of the most important and vital things to ensure a somewhat enjoyable driving experience, whether being the driver or a passenger, you need to be playing music that suits your mood. Otherwise you'll find that you feel a little uncomfortable, or maybe that's just me. In my case, when I'm feeling relaxed and the day seems to be going smoothly, I usually put on some Frank Sinatra. While other drivers are honking their horns to their hearts' content and screaming profanities at each other, I have Frank Sinatra singing in the background and when listening to his music I can't help feeling that everything happening outside my car is trivial, call me arrogant if you want but I'm not going to get into a fight with some guy who probably thinks that honking the horn is what makes the cars in front of him move. Anyway, I'd like to know what music you listen to that keeps you relaxed while on the road, you don't have to explain why you listen to it (in case you got bored with reading my reason!!), but it would be nice to read if you did. Cheers


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