The Untouchables

Have you ever noticed while driving how most pedestrians seem so carefree and relaxed when crossing a street? I mean, don’t they know what happens when a car hits them? They must have some sort of vague idea that the result of being hit can not be anything good. Instead of trying to cross the street as fast as possible to avoid severe pain and sometimes certain death, most Egyptians will stroll across like they are walking in a golf course (Every time I see this I picture that the person crossing the street can hear the Beatles’ song “Strawberry Fields Forever” which is a great track ). Whether the Egyptians who do this are trying to make some sort of statement (don’t ask me what because I have no idea what so ever) or if they are just trying to be ‘hip’ or ‘cool’ they never seize to amaze me no matter how many times I see it, and because of this I have decided that these super-cool-Egyptians deserved to be labeled as “The Untouchables” (I may have taken the title from a film, a great film even though it has nothing to do with my blog, and I seriously believe that no one could replace Sean Connery as the best James Bond). Another thing I should warn you of “The Untouchables”, try not to honk your car horn at them as they seem to get annoyed when you do this. If you have the option of making your away around them, even if it means making another driver swerve to avoid your car slamming into theirs, then do so or risk the wrath of “The Untouchables” glare upon thyself. Also, be cautious of walking on the pavement, for some reason most Egyptians see no practical use for them and most probably regard anyone walking on them as delinquents. I think that you may feel that I am being a bit too sarcastic at times but in all honesty, the way most Egyptians in general deal with getting around in cars or while walking in streets is ridiculous and I feel that they have no common sense what-so-ever. I know that this is not constructive criticism and that I am probably just taking cheap shots at what is a corrupt system but I soon hope to introduce some methods, which if people follow, will allow people to get around with more ease and convenience). I hope that no-one gets offended by my comments on the way the people in Egypt perceive traffic, in no way do I mean to stereotype or generalize my opinions and views on everyone in Egypt. Finally (this was quite a long post for me), I welcome all comments as I like to think that everyone is different in their views and opinions, until next time I bid you farewell.
Since I'm no driver, I can't share any experiences about that, however as a pedestrian I can.
Many people are annoyed by the pedestrians calling them stupid, reckless...etc but when the only way you can cross a street is by jumping and running between cars then I don't think they're (we're) stupid.
When I first started university, I had to learn the art of crossing streets the Egyptian style and my biggest fear was El Nasr street. I used to look for anyone who seems to be crossing and just stick to that person till I get safely to the other side. Now, as an expert, I have become as cool as the other Egyptian crossers, I was almost hit once and didn't care I just kept on walking. In el tahrir square beside the AUC there is a fully functional pedestrian crossings but people stopped using it because no one respects, people (drivers and pedestrians alike) need to relearn how to respect the rules of the street.
Finally about the fact that people no longer walk on pavements, it's because they're not fit for walking. You have to go up and down, right and left, avoid the garbage, avoid the whole, avoid the water, try to walk in the small area that is left after a tree takes almost all of the pavement.
The streets are hell for pedestrians too!
Bas keda :D
10:02 pm
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